

  • I track water because the amount of water I drink plays a huge part in my cravings. The more dehydrated I am, the more I crave things that are bad for me. Tracking helps me at least think about the consequences of letting myself get dehydrated. I also don't track vegetables! I am a former WWer and vegetables are "free" or…
  • The best resouce for me, hands down, is the "Smutty Fitness" series on LaineyGosisp. The gossip blogger's personal trainer writes an awesome column - practical, encouraging, with just enough "suck it up and just get healthy already!" motivation. Her articles run the gamut - work out plans, goal setting, eating better, and…
  • @teslagirl - Just wanted to comment and congratulate you on your amazing weight loss!! I'm super impressed.
  • Hi! I'm mostly a lurker on Corporette, but I do comment occasionally. I'll be starting BigLaw next year (3L now) and this is probably my last opportunity to focus on establishing realistic eating and exercise habits. Ultimately, I'd like to lose 15 pounds and start exercising regularly again. I'm trying to learn how to…