I had heard of clean eating before, but did not really understand it. A friend invited me to try it for a week and included the menu, recipes and grocery list. It is wonderful. I want to continue. I do find it a bit challenging though to be fully prepared and have the right food on hand.
When I make smoothies, I make extras and freeze them in a plastic cup with a cover. I grab a frozen smoothy and a straw when I am on the run.
I got a maintenance book for my bicycle. Since the nearest bike mechanic is 90 miles away, I wanted something to guide me. I also got workout leggings, bicycle leggings, bicycle shorts, trekking poles, compression sacks and a Big Agnes sleeping bag that I will use on my overnight bicycle trips, a compression hoodie and the…
I can't answer all your questions, but I can share a little of my experience. I started to ride again when I weighed about 160 lbs. I started with what they call a "comfort seat." If you can find a bicycle that is in your price range, you may still need to purchase a seat separately. So that would be a consideration of how…
Yay! We all need the 'tude!
Learn from the past, but don't get bogged down by it. Every day is a new day with no mistakes in it. :)
I've seen people get a fluffy throw rug and put their yoga mat on top. Just make sure the throw rug has a slip-resistant back. Maybe you need one of the thicker foamy mats?
I completely forgot yesterday. Road my bicycle for 1.5 hours today. Can that count for squats?
I managed to complete my squats. A bit rushed while I had something in the oven. But done!
Sorry to hear about the accident. A pain on more than one level. :)
Finding these squats a challenge. Thinking that I will be amazed if I can do the more difficult squats by the end of the challenge time. But after a day of rest my muscles are no longer crying and I'm looking forward to completing my reps today.
Did my 20 for day 1. Today my bum is speaking to me a bit. It's saying, "Whaaa?!"
I would think that a modified squat would definitely be better than aggravating a back injury. I say go for it!! :)
Hello! I'm Lynn and currently weigh 153 pounds. I started at 175 but I have been hovering between 148 and 153 for several months. I want to try the squat challenge because it looks as though I can squeeze it in to my busy schedule. I have been doing some light weight training. According to the squat challenge, I may have…
I would recommend adding some weight training as well. It seems to help get all your body parts working together again. I am 60 years old and started lifting last year. At first I could not finish a set with only body weight. After four months, I was doing two full sets with 20 pounds. I used Body for Life. Bought the book…
Very inspirational! Thanks!
I have had to slightly increase my intake of protein and healthy fats to tame the "hungries."
I used Nutrisystem for a while. I felt good while using it. The biggest benefit for me was helping me to realize that I was overfed but undernourished. Their eating plan helped me to get in the habit of creating meals in terms of dairy, protein, vegetables and fruit. I lost 25 pounds in about a year. It also helped me to…
Not sure what kind of weight training you are doing, but my course recommends a week off every 6-8 weeks. Enjoy your walks without guilt!!! Please!!!!
I like to prep large amounts of basics and freeze them in the portions I will use. For example, prepare 3 chickens, use them for a couple meals during the weak and then freeze 3 oz portions for future use. Same with beef and fish, rice, beans and quinoa. Then I combine the basics for whatever style of food I want, add…
Yogurt parfait Fruit of your choice Yogurt of your choice A tablespoon or so of granola cereal
Great post Bethany0405! Very encouraging. I am still casting about for an inner directed reason to do the right thing. I have put goals in my profile and yet I still 'fall off the wagon.' Argh!
Congratulations! Great inspiration to find what works!
I found that having a serving of lean protein helps me, for example a boiled egg, 3-4 oz of chicken, a protein shake or protein bar. And if I am still hungry after one serving (15-20 min.) I have another serving.
I just saw the post and would like to be included
Your story is very encouraging. I share the same question as another poster...What weight lifting strategy do you use?
I have the hungries after certain workouts too. I've been experimenting. Sometimes a high protein drink will help. The other day I had a small meal with beef and a potato. I was still hungry 90 minutes later so I had another portion and was finally comfortable. I still lost weight this week, so I guess my body was telling…
I will try this. I think I will see what I do, just in the regular course of my day and then go from there for setting a goal.
I'm in. But I will have to start tomorrow. I have already exceeded my calories for the day and I will eat supper with guests in my home tonight. :(