

  • Heya.... How is it going? I just wanna say that if you slip, get back on again, and try not to beat yourself up too much. Last Thursday, I was complacent into thinking that I am strong enough when u bought a pint if the new Ben & Jerry's Peanut Buttercup ice-cream, convincing myself I'd have one tablespoon after I workout…
  • Hi Robin, You're doing great! I believe that bingeing is usually just the tip of the Iceberg and we need to go to the root of the problem. And I also believe in harnessing the power of virtuous cycle. As we are doing something positive for ourselves, eg. Start a healthy habit, it can make us respect ourselves more and it…
  • Welcome to MFP! Congrats, you have taken your first step to a healthy life! All the best!
  • Hello Jessebenne, I have been on a targeted 1200 calories per day for about 11 weeks now, the beginning is very difficult but it's getting better now. HOWEVER, I need to qualify that, I will eat more if I am working out that day, 1200 calories is for the no-workout day. I am actually not sure if it's possible or healthy to…
  • Hey Robin42, I know how it's like being an emotional eater, I have done scary things like polishing 2 pints of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting, followed by a packet of chips. The good news is, it is possible to change. And I am a realist, I am not talking about using sheer willpower. Even the bible says "flee from…
  • Ok, I am going to add green tea into my daily routine! Anybody heard about using apple cider vinegar to help? 2 tsp in water? Anyways, i read that it's easy to fall prey to being discouraged when making a change in our lives and one way to help is to look at how far we have come, rather than how much more to change. So,…
  • Dear all, I read somewhere recently (will try to dig out the source) that when we are embarking on a change and developing a new good habit, it's easy to fall prey to being discouraged and one way to help is to look at how far we have come, rather than how much more to change. So, for all of you up there, shall we take a…
  • Please count me in! It doesn't make mathematical sense but it is happening - 4 days of cutting down to 1200 calories/day and burning 400-450 calories doing cardio at the gym yet, I am not any lighter, in fact I put on 0.5lb!! I am trying to convince myself that perhaps I am building muscles and muscles and staying…
  • PFF = Project Fit & Fabulous! :smile:
    in I am back! Comment by giraffe July 2010