How do I prefer my women? Without the wo-.
The irony is that all of this outrage seems to be coming from Lane Bryant customers. If only Casual Male XL would sell smaller jeans in my size. *feign outrage*
Whats the meaning of metabolife?
Thats what I was trying to say unsuccessfully in numerous posts. Ill have to remember that for the next time I see this come up. Nice one!
I didnt say anything about who you are. I just tried to explain why comparing being picked on for being a fatty is nowhere near comparable to dealing with homophobia(source: semi-former fatty, and current homosexical). This clearly went over your head. Saying you have homo friends reminds me of when people make the…
There are a few differences. You can't change gay, nor is it a diseased state of the body. One does usually choose to be fat, however, as a result of their chosen activity level and food intake (disease and disability not withstanding.) Obesity has objective negative impacts on society, personal health, and family health.…
Not insecurity about ones own identity necessarily. Rather, insecurity about being perceived that way. Perhaps based on the same fear of retribution that homos might have. To the point I made about not making the clarification to women on here, you wouldnt feel too worried about a woman on here mistaking your intentions,…
Its not about political correctness. The 'need' for this clarification is based on the fear of being perceived that particular way. This fear or insecurity is the basis of the joke, which depend on the idea that there is something inherently wrong with being perceived that way. So the need for clarification is based on the…
I wouldnt diminish OP's point to simply PC whining or needless complaining. Sometimes its important for people to consider how others might perceive their seemingly lighthearted jokes, and why they might consider it offensive. Empathy is a good starting point for change. 'No homo' really is somewhat dehumanizing, and a…