Raynn1 Member


  • Welcome Back Jerilyn:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Thats why its important to take your average for the week/month, rather than look at the day to day. If you are averaging a certain amount on fitbit, and you know its not including your weight training, then you know right there your TDEE is higher than fitbit tells you, so yes, increasing your cals is needed. Kelly Team…
  • I would actually use the surgery time to take a TDEE break and just sit there while you recover. Your body will be under enough stress during the healing process and it doesnt need anything more to deal with. In 6-8 weeks of less movement will not cause you to instantly balloon up and gain millions of pounds. Use it as a…
  • First, they will wonder why you are doing it Then, they will ask how do you do it Finally they ask How can THEY do it. Its hard to see the DM of ourselves in other people. I look at friends now that are soo deeply rooted in it and I can't help but feel sorry for them, and a bit for myself. I look back on all those years I…
  • https://www.facebook.com/groups/1754102281470874/?ref=bookmarks For some reason the link you posted @empressichel appears broken when you click.. weird... Leigh, Welcome back! I know YOU know exactly what you have to do. Its the same stuff you did prior to baby coming. You KNOW that taking your cut too steep is not going…
    in Cutting Comment by Raynn1 April 2017
  • Mary Ann, dont be afraid to get a second opinion if you are not happy with your doctors answers. if YOU know something isnt right and isnt normal, Fight for it and find the doctor who will help you. Love the barette! Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Welcome to the group @FatGirlAtHeart84 @JosieV1973 You will find a lot of questions can be answered by reading through our thread on START HERE. This contains all the information you need to begin EM2WL. Feel free to ask questions as you go through it! Kelly Team EM2WL
  • They can't do anything about it???? Id find yourself a second opinion. Muscle Tears CAN be fixed. Either through therapy or through surgery. Sounds like this doctor does not have your best interests at heart
  • Yes. Make it your own. If you know the weekends are a bit higher in cals, then adjust your week a bit to make the bit of difference. This is your life, and not everyone will fit into a cookie cutter cutting mold:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Glad you are starting to see results! Just going forward know that not all clothing size is created equal:) And sometimes what fits us in one shop won't fit us in another. Keep going! Kelly Team EM2WL
  • The fitbit is a great place to start with and to give you an AVERAGE number for your week/month. I'd use that as your starting point and adjust as needed. Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Im not sure much about the muscle being ripped off, but the key is if YOU feel something is wrong, then you make sure to get it checked. Go back to your doc, ask for an ultrasound as that can determine if there is a tear in there. Dont stop until you get the answers you want. And awesome job on the kidney stabilization!!…
  • Awesome progress leanne! yes, its amazing when we realize just how little food we were eating, and how miserable it made us. And yes, don't cut because you think you should. Cut when you are mentally ready. It isnt a race and the longer we can stay at tdee and heal, the better chances of long term success down the line. I…
  • I had to give up everything overhead for the past year due to my rotator tear. Honestly, its not worth it. If you have pain lifting anything overhead, it is best to stop doing it. Only now I have been cleared to bring it all back in, and Im still taking it really slow. Things my physiotherapist had me do as we started…
  • Stay out of the regular forums. Lol... surround yourself with like-minded people and it makes the process go a lot smoother and easier. When you allow the diet mentality into your head, its hard to get out, and the main forums are full of diet mentality. Walk away:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • keep doing what you can Mary Ann. You are doing awesome with what you can. inspiration all around:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Our emotions can play a huge part in our eating. Some under stress will tend to overeat, while others tend to be sick to their stomachs. Its normal:) It is important to recognize your triggers for stress and try to find ways to combat it. (I know easier said than done!!:)) And if you find eating takes a back seat to…
  • Agreed.. I never hit the complete button.. I certainly don't need the message popping up in my newsfeed either that says "I ate below my calorie goal" on the off chance it happens, and I get hit with a dozen messages congratulating me on eating below.. Blech.. Just dont hit complete. kelly Team EM2WL
  • Hey leanne The weight gain can be from any number of things. Without knowing your past caloric intake, its hard to say why. But if you had been previously on dieting plans where calorie restriction was front and centre, your body is not sure you arent going to starve it again..Even though you are eating in a deficit, if…
  • Fitbit is a great place to start, but yes, it does not calculate in weight training. A lot of the time our weight workout is listed as nothing happening, because we are generally not moving. But its the calorie burn AFTER the workout that matters, and thats something the fitbit cant calculate.. so its a good starting…
  • yup, make sure you fill in all areas in order for it to process correctly. If something is incorrect it will stay blank at the bottom
  • No. Im saying that to eventually move forward in your journey, you need to get to TDEE. People gain and lose weight when they are below their TDEE.. thats the Diet yo-yo. Its what brought you here, the constant gaining and losing of the same whatever pounds. In order to break that cycle, TDEE needs to be reached and…
  • You can:).. believe me, it gets easier to eat more, the longer you do it.. just slowly increase 100 cals or so each week or two. You will be amazed how much more food your body actually needs and will eventually tell you it needs. (hunger pains etc)... I went from about 1400 cals to 2400 really quickly.. and then spent a…
  • http://eatmore2weighless.com/weight-loss-calculator/ Here you go:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • Because the metabolism is damaged from low cal diets. Its starved itself for years and it burns at such a low level now, that when you eat even a slightly higher amount, your body immediately takes that fuel and converts it to stock pile, because it doesnt know when you are going to lower cals again. It takes a lot of time…
  • Looks like you still arent eating where you should be. Based on these numbers, your averaging about 2300 Definitely eat right now at your comfort level and work on increasing the cals. Some people like to stay a little lower on cals and work on macros.. some people like to get the cals up then work on macros. My…
  • Thanks for sharing. This will help aid us in helping you find things that will help you get stronger and healthier and keeping your lung capacity in check:) Kelly Team EM2WL
  • First of all, never be embarrassed about your size and what you can do. You can do things 98% of the world wont even attempt in life, and to be embarrassed that you are larger than someone else doing the activity is absurd. Why does it matter if you arent the typical "ripped" trainer? Would you tell one of your clients to…
  • It sounds like you have a great starting point going forward. Heavy is all relative to you, so if all you can handle is pulling your body up with the machine, it will definitely help you to improve in overall strength. As Haybales said as you get stronger, start to change your incline angle which will help to stress the…
  • Sounds like you are pretty active. If you are hungry at 1850 its a definite sign your cals need to be higher and your metabolism is crying for more. All good things though. Keep pushing them up. But know that even though it seems like we are maintaining at a certain level of cals doesnt always mean that is our TDEE. With…