

  • Thank's everyone.
  • Hey , Cowboy. Good to hear from you and thanks for the friendly welcome. ....by the way are you going to get to make it to the Ft. Worth Livestock show and rodeo that's going on now? The parade (largest non motorized parade in the USA) was awesome. O2rad.
  • Thanks, ya'll. I'm glad it's not an issue. You'll be hearing from me . I'm looking forward to this.
  • That's great, but here's something I learned the hard way. Don't offer to give the clothes you've gotten too small for to you friends......
  • That's great, but here's something I learned the hard way. Don't offer to give the clothes you've gotten too small for to you friends......
  • I just joined a few days ago, and am really getting into this program. Already feeling better and more positive. I seem to notice though that most of the posts in the message boards are from younger folks than me and mostly female...NOT THAT HERE'S ANYTHING WRONG WITH THAT...But am I alone here, is this not "age…
  • I am reading more and more information that says you really don't need to drink 8 glasses of water a day. Your body extracts water from the food you eat and for the most part if you drink when you're thirsty and substitiute water for soft drinks, you'll save money and get al the water you need.
    in Water Comment by jraysherr January 2008
  • How about this one...I'm sure where it came from exactly.....Maybe I just made it up? It goes like this....."You see lot's of old guys and lots of fat guy's, but not so many fat old guys". Jraysherr
  • I weigh daily, but only record my weight change weekly. For the daily weight to be useful you have to: 1) Have a digital scale capable of giving reliably consistent repeatable results.---something that will weigh in .5 lb increments or less and give the same consecuitive readings. 2). Weigh yourself at the same time and…