I also need friends!! Back on after maintaining previous weight loss for the last 6 months! Now on a fitness/tone up/shift a few (maybe 10) more pounds. I need all the help I can get, add away please :)
Photo number 2...
4th... cool eyes!
Why thank you :)
Wow! Amazing legs!
I'm 5'11", I don't normally wear high heels but on the odd dressed up occasion it's pretty good :) I HATE being with a guy shorter than me so when I was single and going on nights out/dates I'd always wear my heels and only look for men still taller than me! My boyfriend is 6'6" :D happy days for heels!
Also in the UK and joined today, trying to shift a stone that has crept on over the last year or so! I need some friends to keep me away from the ever calling crisps :)
I need help losing the 'got settled with a boyfriend' 15! Looked at a few pics from a couple years ago when I was a stone lighter (oddly at the end of Uni first year!!) and would love to be back at that! I used to do so much sport but that gradually stopped so I'm off to the gym/swimming and being strict on what I'm…