

  • You said their was no way you could not have a drink on weekends. So keep it to a reasonable amount. I also love wine. I won't give it up to lose weight but I do cut it back. A couple glasses on Friday and Saturday night doesn't seem to keep me from losing weight. I'm 60 years old and my metabolism has slowed down as I…
  • I'm none of these people. I'm the 60 year old woman being pissed off by all the young dudes who think their mother is going to come after them and put all the equipment away. I'm a hunter but not a gatherer. I'm looking for the 20 lb weight that some jack *kitten* hauled over to the stretching area and left there. People,…
  • Unless you want a heart attack you don't need more sodium
  • You can do mat Pilates at home. Nothing is better .
  • Eat beans
    in protien Comment by Thyiela January 2014
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