maripili_i_n Member


  • My four favorite breakfasts:* Chocolate shake: 1 scoop of Vega One protein powder with 1.5 cups almond milk (you can use any milk) & ice cubes (260 calories & 22 g protein total) * Banana shake: 1 banana, 1.5 cups almond milk, ice cubes (~190 calories & 3-4 g protein total) * 2 slices of toasted Ezekiel bread with 1/3…
  • Hehe. Thanks! How could I not? Advice from people who have been there, done that, lost the weight? Sign me up! XD javascript:add_smiley ('glasses','post_body') I feel a loooot better--I don't even get dizzy anymore when I stand up! I also have some recipes I want to use, like quinoa-rice sushi with avocado and everything…
  • Thanks for all of the advice! You're all definitely right, and I hadn't thought of the 'having to lower intake as weight starts to come off slower' thing... I think I will probably start lower at first, get to 1100 today and 1200 calories tomorrow, until I get to about 1500 maybe by the end of the week so hopefully I won't…