greensmoothie007 Member


  • I'm up from 122 to 124lb but I'm pretty sure it is water weight. I had a rough weekend bc of the endless family celebrations this weekend. I know the 2 pounds should fall off and hopefully next Mon I will weigh in at 121.
  • Manders, same boat. Up a pound after 2 days of perfect eating:( i know I haven't been drinking enough water, that may be part of it. Plus, women rarely lose linearly bc of hormones so i can't let the scale psych me out. That said, I woke today feeling a little sorry for myself and promptly ate leftover noodles and 2…
  • Sassymama...Hang in there!! Are you back on track?
  • 1) Start weight/ Current weight: 124lbs/122lbs loss of 2 since the beginning. Yay! 2) What's working for you/ what isn't? Still in the honeymoon phase bc I'm feeling pretty good. Made some good choices (passing up cake, not eating out). 3) This is where people usually slip up and give up. What are you doing to keep your…
  • Fit in a super quick workout and haven been doing pretty well keeping my eating in check. Hope to see some movement on the scale this Monday :)
  • Butt bible and I ate pretty well. Still need to step up in the veggie dept. feeling great!
  • 1) Start weight/current weight. 124lb current weight 122.8 2) How you are feeling about your first week? Did you surprise yourself? Learn anything knew about yourself, or dieting in general? Did you do your best? At first, I just "started " because I was so sick of doing nothing. With each day, my willpower has grown…
  • Googling "sample 1200 calorie meal plans" will turn up a bunch of set menus. My biggest tip is to plan ahead. "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail". Easy things to keep on hand at home are bagged salads, fruits and precooked proteins. This can be boiled eggs, grilling chcken, steak and shrimp and keeping them in the…
  • I work out to Pandora. I love my Lorde/Maroon 5 channel.
  • Today I stayed within 100 calories of my goal but ate nothing but junk. A Culvers double burger, a bag of Doritos, tons of coffee and a huge cookie. WUT! My poor body :( No more, I am going to start eating a big salad everyday. I need my veggies.
  • Hello. I love this challenge...5 weeks is just the right amount of time to go all out right before summer. 1) I weigh 124lb. I would like to be in the teens at the end of 5 weeks. I'm what you would call skinny fat bc I have a lot of wiggle and jiggle :( 2) I want to be fit. I want to be strong and lift heavy things and…