

  • Oh my gosh, eating out in Canada IS expensive!! What does a typical meal in Canada cost if you were to eat out?
  • I agree completely with Moonspells! I met my husband online back in 2005. However he had lied about his height, haha. Lucky for him I didn't care he was 2 inches shorter than stated since I'm just 5'1"! Going on 8 years this November! :)
  • I know you posted this almost 5 months ago, but Rodan + Fields Dermatologists really have created an amazing skincare line! I've seen drastic results with both the Redefine and Reverse regimens. Soothe is what works on my dry, red cheeks, but that may not be the product that you're looking for. Like pconner71 said, you…
  • Hey Diana! I'm also a mom and a wife as well. I've always struggled with my weight, even though my parents tried to instill healthy eating habits in me as a child. My story is similar to yours. Once in college I gained weight, and even more after I met my husband. Then even more after we got married, and still MORE after…
  • lol that's AWESOME!! haha
  • I know it's hard, but just think about how much MORE awesome you're going to look by having 2 extra months to prepare for his homecoming! Don't fall off the wagon now! Give yourself today, and start back tomorrow. :) Good luck!
  • Anyone feel free to add me! I'm 26, 5'1" and currently weigh 177.4 lbs. I started out at 192.4. My goal is to get to 120-125.