kimtober Member


  • I totally agree about going slow! I think that's the only reason I've had any success--I didn't have any major expectations about time and took it slow and steady. I've lost almost 40lbs in a year. Some weeks I'd be down a pound or more and some I would gain a little, but it always came back down eventually.
  • I rest on the weekends too but I usually eat about the same or even sometimes more if we go out to eat. It evens out because I'm usually under my goal all week. Boredom eating is tough. I usually just try to find something else to do instead of sitting around. Cleaning is good, shopping if you don't spend too much
  • I agree with the previous poster who said baby steps! This has worked for me and I'm hoping it will help me make lifestyle changes and not gain weight back. I've given up some things but nothing completely. Just be realistic. The first thing I did was cut out pop but only at home. When I eat our, I get it because it's so…
  • I do Just Dance too! You can find a bunch of the videos on YouTube so you don't even need the game. It works up quite a sweat and my kids love the music. I put up gates and close lots of doors to keep the kids confined to one area. But also nap time is my friend and we also take lots of walks when it's not below zero…
  • I'm 31 and stay at home (working part time from home) with my 3 year old daughter and 18 month old son. Stir crazy for sure, especially in the winter!! I've resorted to taking walks around the mall :) I was 185 at my highest and I've made it down to 148 in about a year. I could probably still lose another 10 pounds but I'm…
  • My main tactic has been to buy only fun size candy. I'm much less likely to eat a lot of it if I have to unwrap a bunch of little individual pieces. Fun size snickers are like 40 calories so I just have one or two of those and I'm pretty happy!
  • Mine have slowly been improving but I don't know if that's just a result of generally losing weight. I've also been doing side planks which I think has made some difference. Now I'm adding more challenging exercises to target that area.
  • I know the feeling! Over the last 10 years or so I feel like I've tried various times to just lose about 10 pounds and I never quite made it to my goal. I started doing MFP a year ago when my second child was around 6 months old and I was at my heaviest. I have been pretty successful and have lost 35lbs, and I finally…
  • I have 2 as well. My son is 18 months and while I was nursing him I was basically famished all the time. I don't know what he was doing. I didn't have that experience with my daughter. But that ended with me eating pretty much constantly and gaining even more weight after he was born. The good news is I've lost 35lbs and…
  • Thank your for the suggestions! I'll definitely look into those. I've been doing basic strength exercises at home and I've noticed some improvement, but I'm ready to challenge myself a little more!
  • I can't say that I've beat it at all but I think I've made some progress! My first goal was to eat fewer processed food and snacks. I cut out all pop at home (it's too good from the fountain to resist when I'm out!!). I just buy lots of fresh fruit, make smoothies, etc. I'm still horrible about vegetable but I've found…
  • We're very similar! I'm 5'8" and my highest was 185 after having my second baby. I've been doing MFP for a year now and am at 149 which is lower than I ever thought I'd be. However, I still have plenty of jiggling going on so I'm working on getting rid of that! And I seem to be stuck around 149 but I'm not terribly…
  • I recently started breathing on the third stroke and yeah, it's the way to go, but definitely awkward at first. Try breathing in the 2nd stroke just it get the hang of it. Everyone else has better advice than I do, but I would say just enjoy it. Don't get worked up about doing everything perfectly and just enjoy being in…
  • I stopped drinking pop (Coke) at home a year ago when I started MFP, but I totally still get it when I go out to eat. It's the best from the fountain and I don't feel guilty when it's just a couple a week. I've lost about 35lbs.
  • Over the years I've tried to lose weight by just eating better and not exercising or exercising and not eating better, and I end up about where you are--losing just a little weight and then it stops. The only time that I've consistently lost weight is when I've done both of them together. I don't even do either of them…
  • I've had my Misfit Flash for about a week and I'm pretty happy with it. It's $25 on their website right now and I'd say it's totally worth the price. It definitely feels cheaper than some of the fancier ones, but it does all I need it to do and seems pretty accurate. It tracks steps/calories and sleep. You can also do…
  • I got the Misfit Flash for Christmas and I've been really happy with it so far. It's pretty basic, but it can go in the swimming pool which is my main form of working out and that really limited my options. It comes with a wrist band or a clip. It seems like it's been pretty accurate and it syncs nicely with MFP. It's $25…
  • I really like eating out too. I usually try to check out the nutrition info before I go and have a plan when I get there. I haven't found it too difficult get what I want and still stay within my calories, but sometimes that means eating a very small amount of the high calorie foods. Just getting water instead of another…
  • I agree that it's more about moderation than completely cutting out. I would have a very difficult time cutting out sugar permanently, so I let myself have a little treat every day. My starting stats were close to yours--5'8" 185lbs. I've been counting calories and doing serious cardio workouts only twice a week and I've…
  • I started out around 160 when I had my daughter. I didn't gain too much with her and I came within like 10 pounds of my pre-pregnancy weight and then it was Christmas and things didn't go so well so I never really lost it all. Then I got pregnant with my son and I really didn't worry about my weight much so I ended up…
  • I've been swimming consistently (3x a weekish) for about a year now. It's also my favorite thing to do. I've tried going to the gym and doing treadmill/elliptical, etc. but I just don't enjoy it so I don't stick with it. But swimming is wonderful! I used to swim a lot in college and that was the thinnest I ever was until…
  • I'm waiting for this day!! :) I never had back rolls until I had my second child and they seriously have to go! I made it to 15 pounds lost and I can tell my clothes are looser and the ones that used to be tight fit nicely which makes me feel much better!