Thank you! What about auto sync to my Android device?
The Vivofit 2 says it has an audible reminder...
So here's a question - the "get up and get moving reminder" is there a setting to turn that option off? It's my understanding that once it starts beeping or vibrating that the only way to get it to stop is to get up and walk. There are times where I am in a 2-3 hour meeting and I can't just get up and walk. Thanks!
P.I.C.N.I.C - Problem In Chair Not In Computer
Liar, Liar
People who come from 2 aisles over and have to interject into every conversation when they weren't in it in the first place.
- I have one and I love it!!!!
Agreed! That last episode was a complete waste!
Las Vegas. What the heck ever happened with their baby!?!?!?!?!
I get the same thing ALL THE TIME! I'm really picky with my sandwiches. I don't eat tomatoes, onions, or peppers. My standard Subway meal is.... A 6" Subway Club on white with lettuce, light mayo, and oregano. I've eaten that forever. I have just recently started adding cucumbers to it. Adds a bit of crunch and gives it a…
^ THIS! The other day no less than 3 co-workers told me that I really need to get some new pants. So, yesterday I went through my tote of "someday I'll get back into these" clothes. I found 4 pairs of work pants that fit me now and 2 pairs of jeans! One of the work pants even still had the tags. I guess the old comfy WAAAY…
I'm doing the cardio first to gain the stamina needed to do more aggressive exercises and lifting. I went from ZERO exercise and ZERO stamina to 30 minutes now on the elliptical. Before I couldn't even walk up the stairs so there was no way I could muster through muscle building exercises. I'm putting strength training…
Admittedly, I used this excuse for years. If I want to drink something, I want it to taste like something. So, I drank Pepsi instead....and ZERO water. In the 6 months I've been on MFP, I've had maybe 5 Pepsi's and I drink water now everyday. Granted, I use the MIO stuff to make it taste like something but's…
At any point were you in shock and wearing a blanket?
All of this is really excellent information. I've been looking for a Pill alternative and always thought IUD was not possible since I've not had a baby. I visit my Gyne in 4 days and I intend to talk to her about BC options. Thanks for all the great info.
June Bugs...yes. Can't stand them and they way they just aim at you. Then when they are all helpless and flailing on their back and you step on them...that crunching noise they make is enough to make me vomit. Ewwww
My mom is deathly afraid of the Astoria bridge. Drove in circles for like 30 minutes before we could convince her it would be ok. Then when we finally reached Washington she had to pull over to breathe for another 30 minutes.
Yes....this totally! I'm fine if they are just sitting there...but don't start touching them or making them squeak. Hate it Hate it Hate it.
I love the Skinny Cow candies. The Dreamy clusters are awesome. chocolate-caramel- and crisped rice. Kind of like a Nestle crunch with caramel. 120 calories. You can find them in the candy aisle.
Everyone keeps saying "It's just one day." Halloween was just one day. Thanksgiving was just one day. Christmas was just one day. New Years Eve was just one day. New Years Day was just one day. There's always going to be "just one day." Valentine's Day, St. Pat's Day, Easter, 4th of July, etc... You just have to manage…
All you ladies who use TP to flush the toilet and then throw it in the toilet while it goes down still has to open the stall door. There's just as many germs on the stall door as on the toilet handle. Think about it.....there hands didn't miraculously come clean between flushing and opening the door.
Beach Park! Only 5 miles from Six Flags!
Bumping for all the awesome ideas! Thanks everyone!
Bump to come back to later! Thanks everyone. I know this has been here a while.
Holy crap....this is the best thing EVER!
I started at 270 and have lost 22 lbs in only 7 weeks. I'm not starving myself by any's just all the water/toxins coming out from eating crap for 37 years. I know it'll even itself out after a bit. Anyway....after only 22lbs, there are several co-workers that have complimented me on how I'm looking. Even some I…
Here's our tree....It's just a little 3 foot one but it's just big enough for our place.
This is totally the way I do it. I pull everything up nice and to the top so there's no bunched up sheet or anything..... then the dog gets in bed and kicks it all back down where it started. GRRR!