mapsie Member


  • 1. Lose 2 inches from my waist 2. Run 3 times a week, at least 2 miles/run 3. No cheat days! (That means ice cream and chipotle for me) 4. Workout at least 4 days/week
  • Definitely swimmers! Long, lean bodies and broad shoulders!!
  • How long did it take you to lose the 10 pounds? What was your diet like? I'm about 160 right now and looking to lose 10 before my vacation. You look fantastic!
  • 5'4" 22 years old. I have NEVER posted pictures on here before and am embarrassed that I even let myself get to 200 lbs! But I have been slowly losing weight for the past 2 years with better portion control (although frequent binges still that I need to control), more exercising including running, occasional swimming, and…
  • Right around 5'4"! HW: 216 SW on MFP: about 185 CW: 150 GW: 135 Feel free to add me! I love having ladies right around my height as inspiration
  • You look great! I did 30 day shred twice now, but I keep taking breaks and need to get my eating under control. I tend to do well until weekends. I just started week 2 of RI30 and it seriously kicked my *kitten*! The hardest workout in my opinion so far. Looking at your pictures and everyone else who has posted their…
  • Me! From the east side of Cleveland, right in the snowbelt. The weather isn't too bad right now, I hate the snow, but I have to admit, it doesn't feel like Christmas without it :(
  • CANDY!! sour worms, laffy taffy, jolly ranchers etc... and butterfingers as a chocolatey choice or cereal, I could eat cereal all day everyday (for the past weekend I have!!)
  • I wish that I could say I didn't but I ended up having a really bad night. I didn't even finish logging after lunch because I'm not even sure I can remember everything I ate. I was doing really well too! Not eating a lot and I ran 4.5 miles Friday and Saturday but tonight got the best of me as I was craving sweets.…
  • After 4 straight weekends of really bad binge eating and another bad night, I am totally in!! This is by far my worst habit.
  • After 4 straight weekends of really bad binge eating and another bad night, I am totally in!! This is by far my worst habit.
  • Late to the weigh-in. 11/5/11: 148.3 Diff: -1 lb. I was doing well until the weekend hit again. I have really got to stop with the overeating on weekends. But now all the Halloween candy is gone from the house... thank god! I exercised every day with 30 DS and I am trying to run at least 2-3 miles three times a week. I'm…
  • 10/26/11 Weigh-In: 149.3 Difference: -.7 I didn't do very well with the goals for this week because of my pretty bad weekend where I ate and ate and ate. Monday was kind of a start over for me. So I didn't log all of my food for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Hopefully this week goes better!
  • Hey everyone! I just saw this group and hope I can still join! I just graduated college and moved back home to begin nursing school and now commute part-time. I have to say, it is a lot harder to stay on track now with all this food around me constantly. In fact, the past 3 days I have just eaten so much...halloween candy,…