

  • I have the Timex T5G941 and I use it everyday. It has a recall of my prior days workouts and the strap is comfortable. You can set your own high and low heart rate indicators. It was less than $40 on Amazon and I have had it for over a year. I had a New Balance brand for my first one and I like this much better. Hope that…
  • Hi Everyone - I just joined MFP today so this is my first venture into a group. I am 50 and started menopause at 47. I am post menopause now. I started bio-identical hormones in February and it's relieved all my symptoms but I believe it's contributed to my slow weight gain also. I feel like my body has just slowed way…
  • I just started today and don't know how to even add friends... so needless to say... I don't have any friends either... but hoping to make a few. I need the support. I am not very good at sticking with a healthy plan... I've been carrying an extra 20 lbs since menopause started... ugh! I have two grandkids and I am using…