

  • I started to take my thyroid med at night and it's working out better for me. I HAVE to start the day with a cup of coffee and setting an alarm, taking my med and trying to go back to sleep wasn't working for me. I also feel that I'm not conflicting my med in the morning by eating oatmeal. I don't see my doctor until…
  • Hi, I'm struggling with hypothyroidism too. I'm not much of a meat eater so I'm stuggling with getting enough protein without eating soy. I am trying to eat a lot of brown rice and beans and forcing myself to eat fish once a week. I miss all of my foods from the cabbage family ! Well good luck to all, I'm there with you.
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in Oct of 2010 and put in .25mcg of l-thyroxine. I had been feeling tired and depressed and just thought that it was due to advancing age and the death of both parents. So I religiously took my med and exercised and dieted off 13 pounds. When I went in for my check-up six months later I…
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