

  • I understand the financial issue making it harder to stay on the diet. Thats what happened to me, too. It is definitely more expensive. So try to increase your carb intake gradually, and make them healthy carbs to minimize the crappy feeling I described. As far as cardio, there is research that indicates that cardio…
  • I dont know why its such an issue. If it is made of mostly water, and does not contain a diuretic (caffein, alcohol, etc) then it is water. The way a lot of people look it it, if you take 12 oz of water, add a crystal lite packet to it, it is no longer water, and the 12oz doesnt count to your total. But with their same…
  • I have been doing a low carb diet for several months now, with a couple "cheat" periods, and once where I went off the diet completely (financial reasons). Why exactly do you want to go off the diet? Research has shown a lot of health benefits of low carb diets. A couple important long term benefits are possible cancer…
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