

  • I've been logging on since March 2013, I prefer it to MFP by far. Besides that point, I went back and looked at my sugar intake the past few months. It usually doesn't exceed 50 grams, and I eat a ton of tropical fruit in the summer (papaya, pineapple, mangoes) as well as watermelon (3 cups a day lately!). I…
  • I also found the following sources helpful in meal planning: General dietary sugar info: How much fruits and vegetables constitute a serving? In other words: What does a serving of various fruits & veggies look like?…
  • Actually, glycemic index isn't the only thing to consider, and grams of naturally occurring sugar in fruits & veggies is also not the only thing to acknowledge... Glycemic load is to be considered as well! When you look at GI and…
  • get a lot of garlic! It will help with that sickness.
  • Last words from me, lol A lot of us are completely healthy besides being overweight. I was so worried abut my health that I go blood tests and such to see if I was in any risk of disease. My tests came back "superb" according to my doctor and there is nothing wrong with me! The weight I need to lose is basically about…
  • You should take measurements of your neck, waist and hips and record them on this site. That will help you gauge weight loss and progress as well. I lost an inch on 2/3 of those measurements during the month that I wasn't seeing any bls drop.
  • You probably need more calories. I recently saw a dietician because I had been working out for 1-3 hours, 4-5 times a week and not lost any weight. I told her my concerns, which included calorie restriction and that in the past, restricting my calorie intake was the only thing that worked for me to loose weight. She told…