Shortyburb Member


  • I agree about moderation also. I will never full cut out carbs. I understand what you mean. I wouldnt be able to say the carb thing is true unless I try it myself. ;)
  • Im not trying to be rude about any of this. Just a friendly debate. (I want to be a nutrition coach)
  • He claims but can he prove it? A lot of people can claim things but proving on a scientific level is different. Why would there be all this disease from meats in china but not in those cultures cut off from the rest of the world?
  • Did you know that high cholesterol is just a theory of it leading to heart disease? From what I understand Its NEVER been proven. Cholesterol does cause plaque but cholesterol in general does not lead to heart disease, or heart attacks.
  • You and your husband should watch Fat Head. A documentary available on Netflix. It explains that the in and out calories to lose weight is just a theory. Im not even sure its ever been proven. You should cut carbs really low and eat more meats.
  • You should watch the documentary called Fat Head (its available on Netflix). It has brought new light to my ideas of losing weight. The in verses out calorie theory is challenged. This guy eats roughly 2,000 calories a day and loses weight doing it! He watched his carbs instead of calories. Try eating like a diabetic would…
  • The only fast food Ill eat now is Subway. Ill do others every now and then but not often. I just think of the money I can save at home. Also I think about how much of my food is fresher at home verses fast food. I love having someone make my food for me so it really does appeal to me. Mcdonalds has disgusted me for years…
  • I can wiggle my little toe by its self also. Just my right foot. ;) My Birthday is 4/20 and Ive never smoked weed LOL. I HATE diamonds!
  • When I go food shopping a good rule of thumb is to shop around the store. I rarely buy anything for my freezer anymore. I by fresh fruits instead of canned and I also cook more often than eating out. Its still a challenge to eat clean but its well worth the health to try your hardest at it. Its sad to see kids growing up…