greeneyes490 Member


  • There are alot of great weight/strength training books and dvd's out there that are much cheaper than a training session.......some of my favorites are jillian micheals series (she really pushes weight excersises etc)...she has dvd's and books......or if you want to go the trainer route then just buy one or two sessions…
  • This is a first :)......Now here is something I know about :smile: lol.......I would suggest working out with weights and gaining muscle mass (this will also help you ward off osteoporosis etc), mabey up calories/larger portions but make them quality calories like lean meats/fish/poultry.....whole grain rice,…
  • Hard to say for old are you? have you lost alot of weight before? I lost 80 lbs about ten years ago and had no problem at all.....but i was younger and my skin had more rebound to it :).....I have since gained that 80 lbs back and am trying to lose it again but so far I am not anticipating any problems with…
  • Ya I have never been crazy about the texture of things cooked in the microwave so I prefer the stove top whenever possible.....and I love ground flax seed and it is a great way to sneak it in :).....thanks for all the info cyclingdiva72, stacystar, journeyfree.......I think I will try it this weekend......:)
  • That sounds really good.....and I didn't realize that you could reheat for days after it is cooked (good to know :))......if i add a little less liquid would it come out not so mushy? or do i need to stick to the exact liquid measurement? I was thinking of adding ground flax seed and sugar free maple syrup....
  • does it matter the size of rice cooker? I think my in on the larger side
  • I am going to try Steel cut oats (I hate the taste and texture of oatmeal) I wanted to ask if anyone knows the liquid to oat ratio for just one serving? I would probably make it on the stove top if that makes a difference. I am really trying to eat healthier :) it is just finding things that I can swallow :)…
  • I use a pretty dense whole grain bread that is about 120 cal per slice but instead of using two slices I fold it like a hotdog bun and put my sandwhich stuff in that (chicken salad etc) is still filling and i get the whole grain benefits without over doing the carbs.....
  • Ya unfortunately on some level they will always be with you.....they will fade over the years but they are tears under the skin that can't be repaired......I have heard that coco butter, bio oil and other creams/oils can help prevent them but once they are there that is it. I got them as a teen on my inner thighs because i…
  • I don't think you have anything to worry are only 172 lbs, young, losing smaller amounts per week and don't have a large amount to lose (usually the saggy skin will happen with obese people)........I am obese and the first time I lost 80 lbs I was in my late 20's and I am 5,4" and had no issues with…
  • It is from what I understand the most advanced of the tony horton P90 series......he has the 10 min trainer , he also has the P90 series which would be less intense than the P90X series......I have the 10 min trainer series and his P90 series but after viewing samples of his P90X series decided it was way to advanced for…
  • I have a few go-to snacks here are a few ideas: 1 graham cracker with 1 tble all natural peanut butter home made hummus with cucumber slices (or whatever veg you like) 1 string cheese and a fruit 1/4 cup granola w/yogurt edaname (microwaved for about 2-3 minutes) with a little EVOO and kosher salt 1 apple tossed with 1 tsp…
  • That is still great mom still had issues with one of her dogs after a year and she still isn't great at giving a signal that she has to go :)......but it sounds like your baby is catching on fast :).....
  • YES that is the one :)........she was a tall woman mabey in her 40's with long blond hair......and i remember you had to get on your hands and knees and and do these bizzare breathing excersises that came from deep in your diaphram and it was hilarious :) friend and i laughed so hard, we had to stop :)…
  • I would recommend a warm bath with epsom salts to help relax the muscles.....but for your next workout try doing a 15 min or more stretching session after the workout to help with the soreness and then before going to bed take another epsom salt bath......the more you workout the less this soreness will be a problem....the…
  • I AM IN LOVE :heart: :)...............I LOVE dogs and really miss having them in my life (apartment won't allow pets) mom has 2 dogs that I love going to are so lucky that she is already house trained, wow....that is great.....I hope you enjoy your time with her :).........
  • Okay I want to do it a minimum of 3X per week but aiming for 5X......I would like to lose 8 lbs this month but aiming for 10 lbs....... Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I'm in...................This may be the kick in the pants I need :)......I was doing well and then have done nothing for the last couple of months and came here to find some motivation :).....I have that DVD (and love it btw) so I am ready to go :)......good luck everyone.......
  • Hi there, I don't know anything about shapely secrets (never seen the infomercial)...but there was a woman about 10 years ago or so (I think she is still around) that had an "exersise tape" out that there was no was these very bizarre breathing techniques and sounds.....anyways my room mate at the time…
  • I weigh in every week (wednesday morning....same time...same day :)) is the only way I can guage how I did that week...if i gained I look back at what i ate etc and adjust for the following week....or if i lost i keep doing what i am doing......
  • My favorite is Jillian Micheals 30 day shred.....I also like the newest biggest loser one and I just bought the tony horton 10 minute workouts (haven't tried them yet) and I am waiting on the P90 disks as seems the best ones have a mix of strength training and cardio worked into one workout....I have seen…
  • I LOVE it :) and have had great results with it.......I lost enough in 4 weeks to fit into a bridesmaid dress that I couldn't even do the zipper up on this summer. So I am so happy with it........yes she can be a little annoying but I just block those parts out :).......all I would say is to make sure you push yourself…
  • I think everyone has covered most of my fav's except for my current favorite that I could listen to over and over again :) is called Forever by Chris it..........a couple of other current fav's are Don't call me baby by Kreesha, Shakin by Metro Station and when i grow up by *****cat dolls.
  • I am looking to add to my excersise dvd collection (I am affraid I will get bored of my regular ones) but want to invest wisely......I like the Jillian Micheals style (yes I already have all of her's as well as the biggest losers :))......I get results with her style but just want something different to keep my motivation…
  • yay...I just figured out what i was doing wrong :)......I spelled one of the words in the meal wrong so it wasn't able to find it :) lol.....
  • I added a complete meal to my food data base and saved it under a name..... but can't figure out how to add it to my daily log???? I am sure this is super easy and I am just missing something so obvious :) but can anyone tell me how to do this :)....
  • Love it.....Love it.....Love it :)............can I say much more :).....I bought this about a month before I had to be a bridesmaid in june and was in a panic to fit into my dress (I couldn't get the zipper up) I used it for about 3 weeks before the wedding about 3-4 times a week and by the day of the wedding the…
  • I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out at the same time and I was fully awake during it......they gave me a tylenol before I went in the room and then gave me a few needles......and honestly all I felt was pressure....kinda like if someone was pushing down on your pain at all....just some pressure......what I…
  • This is an easy question :) lol........some of my favorite ways to eat it is on french toast/pancakes/waffles, melt it and drizzle over the fruit of your choice, use it as a chocolate fondue when melted, make crepes and spread nutella and cut up strawberries, add as an icing onto any cookie or use to make an icing center…
  • I have just heard about the new super charged south beach diet (read an article in woman's world magazine) and it sounds good and incorporates some carbs etc....has anyone tried either the regular south beach diet or the super charged? I am looking for something that will give me that kick to get me going.....i get…