My number one snack is Apple's and all natural peanut butter (Krema) -boiled eggs -grapes -red/Orange/yellow peppers with hummus -sugar snap peas with hummus -Orange -raw almonds, cashews, Brazil nuts, and pecans -roasted peanuts -roasted pistachios with salt and pepper YUM!!!! I need more variety lol
Request sent and welcome!!!
Thank you ladies!!! I believe I added everyone thus far. If I forgot someone just shoot me an invite!! We could all use motivation on this journey or any journey!!!
Right now I'm doing 30 minutes on the elliptical and strength training via Brazil butt lift: sculpt and high and tight. It's kicking my butt right now. LOL
My goals for May is to lose 10 lbs and be consistent on my workout regimen as consistent on the May challenge!!:smile: