

  • I'm a student. My major is nursing. I'm currently trying to get all of my pre-requisites out of the way.
  • I would love to start this. How does this work? How often do we keep track (i.e. everyday, once a week, etc.)?
  • Frozen grapes?? I've never tried that. That sounds pretty good.
  • I've said it before and I'll say it again. This is an awesome site with people that are genuinely here to support you. Wish you all the best!! Oh and welcome!! :)
  • I have mine private just because I'm not sure how to change the setting. I really don't care what people think about my eating habits. We're all here for one main goal and that is to be healthier. Everybody is different. Some can lose weight while making only modest changes to their diet while others may need more…
  • Let me tell you, if you stick with this site, it can become addicting!! I'm a facebook junkie and this is in close running with that. It's like anything I put in my mouth, I want to make sure I log on and record it. I've never really been this dedicated to keeping a food journal or documenting my exercise. I mentioned…
  • Thanks to everyone for the warm welcome. I have to agree, I've only been a member of this site for a week and I'm so excited. Hope everyone stays encouraged and don't be a stranger!
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