It's not a contest. Just because she's not ugly on the outside doesn't mean she doesn't have an ugly personality. Just wanted to let her know.
I figured they were but I wasn't sure HOW high and on the online menu, it has nutritional facts and all that but they don't include the drinks.. I wonder why hehe! Well, I don't think any pop hardly. One or two every month... not enough to count!
Yeah, I know, I've started to go scale crazy lately but I've been trying not to.... still, I end up stepping on the scale anyways. But now I have it in a harder spot to get to, so it takes me a little bit to get to it, and I end up just giving up trying to obtain it, and it's been working a little bit. Congratulations on…
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. It'll also keep me from doing that too often as well because I know that I'll have to earn those calories back! So yeah, awesome idea! I did. We went to East Side Mario's and they have their menu online and I kinda' picked out what I was going to have before I got there but then my…
I kinda' figured it was just a nightly thing but it still freaked me out! I knew there was no way I could gain 10 pounds at night and then lose it in the morning, pretty silly but still! I was like omg what the? But thanks for clearing it up! I also had no idea how many calories it took to gain a pound so yeah, I will be…
Thanks Joylia... I'll definitely check these out! Much appreciated!
Oh okay, I didn't know... thank you!
If it helped that'd be awesome! :D
Very true, never looked at it that way. I try to log everything I eat, but sometimes when things aren't listed on here, I get the package and go 20 calories higher than it actually is. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing but yeah, been trying :)
Oh okay, I'll keep that in mind! Thanks dear! :smile:
-Shrug- I didn't know you were being sarcastic. don't take it out on me. I grew up in a serious family. I can't tell tone over the internet. Kudos to those who can.
Listen, just because I'm uninformed doesn't mean you have to be ignorant. Do you need to wear stretchy pants to bed? I'm sure you'd have to, to fit that huge ego of yours. Bug off. I don't need flack from people like you. EDIT: Sorry, if you were being sarcastic. I can't tell. Grew up in a serious family. MY BAD! Sorry!
Thanks guys. I don't know a lot about this stuff..... just needed some answers to things that I was uninformed about. Thanks again! :)
"Congratulations on your food baby. " Congratulations on having a rude tone like every other ignoramus that I live near :) I actually didn't eat that much, but restaurant food has a lot of calories ;)
Seems cool & seems pretty interesting & sorry, I don't know how to post them! EDIT: Someone posted right as I went to post so I changed it, haha
I'm 210 pounds and 6 foot tall & I can fit into a pair of size 9's but I have a slight muffin top. I can fit comfortably into a 10.
Thanks so much guys, you've made me feel a lot better. I know that it isn't going to take overnight to get rid of the weight but sometimes I'm so impatient but you all are right! If it's taken this long to put it on, it's going to take a bit to get it taken off! I find inspiration on you guys and as well with motivational…
200 lbs is the weight I am and I can relate with the hating oneself over it but you look great! What a difference! I'm hoping I can do the same! Awesome inspiration, it makes me feel like I can do it too!
I just joined today! :) I posted on Yahoo Answers about tips on how to lose my belly fat and someone had suggested coming to this site so I could track what I ate and how much I exercise. For my height I'm supposed to be 190 but I really want to get to 175 pounds, so I'm hoping it'll work out! Nice to meet you!.