You r topic says "Major Blow to My Confidence Today-Rude People"! Sorry to say this: but, if your confidence is built up on what people says about you, then you are really going to be demotivated! Because you can't stop people from saying what they feel. Honestly I think, we have to have a confidence in our life which…
1000-1200 kcal per day food is not enough to meet your metabolic caloric needs (BMR). If you really want to loose weight on a steady and safe way, you have to let your body function properly (all organs functioning well by giving adequate energy source). the bare minimum food you need to eat for a sustainable and steady…
I usually eat 3 meals a day averaging 500-600 kcal/meal. I guess reducing that to 3 meals and a snack still keeping the overall Cal intake same would be a better option to keep the gap between meals less and keep the metabolism better.