slimiranda Member


  • Hi I'm in the south west, I'm just starting out again after having a baby and I'm easy and raring to go! Giving up the pointless and depressing Facebook and replacing it with inspiring friends on myfitnesspal! Not quite worked out how to add people yet though!
  • Im on week 9 of body revolution and i love it!! Its like going to a real exercise class and you never get bored as you move on so quickly!! I have never done insanity but checked it out before i chose. but i vote body revolution Good luck!
  • 5336 +20 = 5356!! 5356lbs so far peeps We ROCK
  • You are being irrational but I totally know how you feel. I do this all the time then people tell me to snap out of it but I never listen... but I want you to listen!! It was ONE cookie!!! There is no such thing as irreparable damage, you need to live your life! This should be about balance and trust me, guilt and denying…
  • yeah mines not working today either. really annoying!!
  • Amazing, youre an inspiration!! Thanks for sharing. You look so beautiful.
  • I have been just the same for 2 weeks and yesterday I took a water tablet and drank about 5L of water... overnight I lost 6lbs! I had been perfect and doing 30 day shred for 20 days. I am back on track now and feel good. It is so annoying doing everything right then not seeing any change on the scales. Apparantly if you…
  • Im sat here right now with my new fave drink. Fizzy minal water with a slice if frozen lemon and lime and mint leaves. I was adicted to dc pepper! I havent had any for a month and i had a sip the other day it was gross! Soda is just pure chemicals. Good luck.
  • Yay! Well done. I have mine set to lose 2lbs a week and it says I should eat 1380 cals a day. I have stuck to it rigidly and lost......2lbs a week for 5 weeks! Yay!