MonkeeAnne Member


  • Amen sista!! I also have "cheat" days on the weekends, and my usually involves beer too! I still log everything ) ok I might forget a beer or 3, but I log my food. I TRY to stay close, but if I go over I don't sweat it! And I have LOST 10# in the last 5 weeks. And every week has had at least 1 cheat day!!! Here's to ya!
  • Yay! Congrats! You know that is one of my favorite things to notice when I lose weight... my collar bones! Isn't that strange how those little things make us SEE a difference?
  • I have lost 8.2 pounds in a little under 3 weeks. But alot of that is water weight and cleansing out my colon I'm assuming. So I am sure it will slow way down! Just happy to see progress!
  • I am still a smoker. :( My goal is January (that's when we change insurance and I can afford the $180/month Chantix). I am trying to get a kick start on my weight, diet and exercise prior to quitting. I too worry about weight gain with quitting. Hang in there! And what a FANTASTIC accomplishment to quit smoking! Way to go!!
  • I am 5'8 but going to chime in! I agree that with our height it is going to differ what weight we want to be at. I was SHOCKED at 164 to find out per my BMI that I had crossed into "overweight"!!! I knew I was big for ME but to be "overweight"?? Anyway: SW: 164 CW: 157 GW: 149 -I want the scale to be below 150 lol I would…
  • Yay! I made it through week one! 6 pounds down! I know this first week is alot of water weight and such, but I am SOOOOOOO happy to see that scale below 160! Just the motivation I need to keep going! I need to step up the exercise, but I am so thankful that I am doing so well on the diet part! Yay me! Keep it up everyone!
  • Thanks ladies! :)
  • I'm right there with you! I have zero motivation to work out. So far I have worked out 2x this week and it's already Thursday. I have to remind myself what my end goal is! I WANT to lose weight and it isn't going to fall off by itself! If you want a friend to help motivate you... I could use the same!
  • Hello, my name is Monica, I am 39 years old and will reach the "40" mark in almost exactly 6 months! I have decided that it is now or never to try to get my body back! I have 3 children, Bryce 16, Brock 12 and Macy 4. I did so well with my last pregnancy after gaining 47 pounds with each of my boys, I only gained 22 with…
  • Our trick or treat was postponed until Saturday due to the inclement weather we received (snow on 10/30 in Ohio) from Hurricane Sandy. I will abstain from all the loot my kids get Saturday!!
  • I have gained approx 15 pounds while on Effexor. I stopped taking it about 2 months ago and am currently not taking anything. The weight is sticking though. So now I have to do something about it!
  • My recommendation is to track the calories for the day in the foods you eat based on your points. This is what I did to convert to WW to calorie counting. BTW you look FABULOUS!!!
  • I have caved the last 2 days and ate 2 powdered sugar donut holes... they are 58 cal/piece.... they were so good but not sure they were worth the calories! I love dark chocolate, but afraid if I buy it for those moments I would gobble it all up at once!! lol
  • Where do I find the group? I am new to all of this!! Thanks!
  • I would love to join! I just started MFP on Monday so this is day 3. I would like to lose so my goal would be 18 pounds by Dec. 18. Which works GREAT since we are going on vacation on 12/9 so if I stick with this I will look FABULOUS for our vaca! My long term goal is to lose 25 pounds in the next 6 months - my 40th…