lnxjenn Member


  • I would report him for poor customer service! I would think SA would have some care about how their customers are treated. L/XL is not really that big and they can often have Larges and XL sizes in running clothes. I have never really had much luck with Sports Authority. i don't know what you have in your area. I bought my…
  • Also make sur eyou're not getting sick. I know I can't run or walk or do the elliptical very well if I"m having respitory problems, like allergies. I'm finally catching up with my workouts after having bad bad cough with my allergies. Slowing down might be a good idea as well.
  • If you are cooking with other things, then You'd have to add those things as well. So if you have your meat, cooked in olive oil with onions... then you'd have to count the 1 tsp of olive oil, and 1/2 cup of chopped onions with your piece of pork or whatever you used. Nutritionally speaking, they should be relatively the…
  • I like this method, as it was recommended to me by my doctor when i was diagnosed with Hypoglycemia. Eating the small meals 2-3 hours apart, usually vege/fruit with a protein for snacks, to maintain my glucose levels. When i follow it, like I should, I do pretty well and I haven't felt hungry. Sometimes if I eat smartly…
  • I've had good experiences there. They were quite nice to help measure me and they do actually carry a lot of bigger sizes. you usually have to ask, as they are often in their drawers. I don't think i've ever been treated rudely there either. The manager must have saw something positive in you and maybe she thought you…
  • Honestly, I'd be impressed if you could eat that much and not be incredibly sick and overly stuffed! A lot of natural foods are very filling, so the likely hood of you eating 3000 calories of vegetables is highly improbable without some kind of body reaction in protest. The idea of eating natural or clean foods is that…
  • I have a friend who does Paleo and she's done very well with it. I'm not that well versed but I have pondered adapting paleo habits into my eating. Unfortunately, I think my husband might have some complaints about such a dietary change, since I do most of the cooking! haha. :laugh: I'd love some pointers from you guys if…
  • When I lost a lot of weight several years ago, I went down a cup size, but that was about it. I have since gained back weight, and they have gotten a bit bigger than before that weight loss. So i am hoping mine go down again when I actually start losing weight... It's not that bad. Honestly, if you are fairly well endowed,…
  • 10 is definitely not fat! I miss that size! I was that size twice in my life, and I was accused of being too skinny by people who knew me! 10 is just a popular size in those shops, not a "fat" or unavailable size. Remember that not all size 10s are created equal either! what you wear in one brand a 10 might be a 12 in…
  • I've pondered it. and PX90. I have a friend who does the insanity. She's a runner and is pretty fit and even she says she's massively sore and miserable doing it, but she loves it! But I'm no where near doing anything that intense. I can't even do a cycle ride for 10 miles without being extremely winded and falling off my…
  • I just do dumbells at home. I do various exercises using different weights. So I use a heavier weight for biceps and shoulders and lighter weights for other. I do 3-4 sets of about 15-20 reps at least each. Just take is slow. Maybe just have hubby show you some different exercises you can do at your own level. He should…
  • Just space out the food.. add a little more protein or something. You will need the protein to rebuild the muscles from your runs.
  • I'm recently married no kids and no kids any time in the near future. You're not weird. I'm in my mid 30s. I do like kids though. I miss my little nieces!! they light up my life! I've been the odd one out for most of my life, so doesn't really make much difference in my opinion! haha.
  • I can do girlie ones on my knees just fine! I am working my way up in repetitions and number without pausing. So I can get to 15 without pausing, and it starts to hurt. I can't do the full ones yet, as my lower back is weak and it would strain badly on those. So i am working my way up to that point! Just a little every…
  • I'd say just find an activity you like. Walking, hiking, bicycle. skating, something... Take a class like kickboxing or karate or something fun. Or yoga even is great! Zumba is also fun if you like to dance. You can take dance classes! I used to do west coast swing classes twice a week for at least an hour, and that was my…
    in Cardio Help Comment by lnxjenn May 2013
  • Height: 5'6" Age/Gender: 35/female Highest weight- 223lbs (This is the heaviest I think i've seen on my scale.. and that was fairly recent :frown: ) Current Weight- 220.3 :frown: Lowest weight- 150 (two points in my life I was about this weight! whenI was 16 playing soccer and about 10 years ago when I lost quite a bit of…
  • I am in Hampshire, England, near Southampton! I am a transplant for Nevada, USA!
  • Can we restart? I Just found this! :D I could use this challenge to be sure! I can say I have honestly gone one official day without any candy or sweet things! and no junk food either. So ONE whole day is a good thing for me. .
  • Garlic is great! you can also use rosemary or other herbs! What I like to do is cut up chili peppers and mix them in my meat, along with a bit of onion and garlic powder or minced garlic. Grill those up and you have one tasty burger!! especially with some pepper jack or monterey jack cheese! mmmm. I want a burger now!…
  • I like the tracker because it's not too cluttered. Which is nice when trying to keep a straight focus on your food and stuff! I'm trying to get my parents to follow this!
  • Didn't you know Elvis was a fan of peanut butter and banana sandwiches!? hehehe I love PB and apples. I like PB with a lot of things. It's a versatile food! and full of good protein!
  • Balance out your eating and make sure you are getting enough nutrients. Vitamins are also very valuable. Also, alternate your workouts. Only doing cardio every day for two weeks, is just going to make you tired and your muslces tired. Alternate with some light weighs and strength type training, and you should feel a bit…
  • What kind of workouts do you do? I was thinking, maybe if you could do something to let your feet rest, say like swimming, then maybe your feet could get in a different angle and be able to get the fluid out of your feet. I have a slight swelling problem as well but I don't have access to a pool. But I sit down a lot; life…
  • Roughly 2 Litres per day, or half gallon worth. I have a bottle that holds 32 oz, and drink at least 2 of those a day! In addition to whatever else I drink, like tea or juice.
  • Try the small frequent meals, like eat every 2-3 hours. Have a snack that is protein and carb like Veggies and hummus. And have a good quality breakfast and lunch. Seriously! I have been really making myself stick to 2-3 hours between eating, and I've already seen some improvements on my weight and hunger level! When…
  • Sugar is my enemy as well! I am sure I intake way too much. I ahve been working on getting it under control! I found a book awhile back called Sugar Addict. They had different types of sugar addictions and how to help deal with each one. Natural sugars are fine, such as fruit and veggies and such! Processed really seem to…
  • Honestly, I'd be careful of those things. I loved crystal light as it was a staple in my weight watcher days. But I've been trying to purify my food and diet, slowly purging bad foods. Unfortunately, aspartame Acesulfame-Potasium(K), sucralose are actually quite bad for you. There are studies out that show diet sodas and…
  • I notice I get ravage hungry when I eat cereal. Oatmeal is actually very good for you! Try steel cut oats or the old fashion type oats, and you'll be just fine. Add in some honey for sweetness and berries or nuts for added treats. Apples are also very good cut up in oatmeal. I usually add at least a Tablespoon of flaxseed…
  • Omnivore!! But I do like to enjoy some vegetarian dishes at least once a week, having a vegetarian day. I went Veggie for awhile, but I fell into that horrible junk food and high carb trap! I don't think life would be quite complete without pulled pork and brisket and BBQ!! and cajun sausage... and other yummy meat…
  • I used to kind of be a Broncos fan. Does that count? :wink: I live in England now, so not much NFL coverage here. I do like watching the College NCAA games sometimes when you can catch them over here, usually during bowl season.