gr8chick Member


  • Oh, this sounds soooo DEELISH!! Can't wait to try it!! Thank you for posting!
  • Hi, ya'll! I'm 5'0' and currently weigh in at 205. The lowest I've gotten in recent years was in 2009 when I was training for a half marathon and I got down to 183. Then I injured myself and couldnt' run for all of 2010, and started slowly getting back at it this year. I keep losing the same five pounds, and I'm really…
  • Oh, and you MUST invest in good RUNNING shoes!!
  • I started running at 208 lbs using the Couch to 5k program. Although I haven't lost much weight, because I don't make good nutrition choices, I LOVE running. although some may argue that I'm just walking really fast. LOL!!! It does take it's toll on my knees, and ankles sometimes, so just listen to your body. Since…
  • I have the handheld Omron BF monitor. Since I started in January, I have only lost nine pounds, but I have lost inches. The Omron monitor has registered a change in my body composition. I started at like 46%, but now I'm at 39%. I can't vouch for the accuracy since I have nothing to compare it to. Just my two cents. :)
  • I love using the elliptical with the Cardio Coach mp3's. These are about 37 minutes long all together, but broken down in three challenges. It uses HIIT. Coach Sean O'Malley cues you when to speed up and when to slow down. You go at your own pace, and you can stop after the first challenge. You just build your stamina up…
  • I have a friend that started running last summer, and she had terrible shin splints. Then she finally bought herself some "running" shoes, and then she slowed her pace. She was running with her hubby that had her running trails. Plus, she was trying to keep pace with him, and he has a long stride. She was very discouraged.…
  • Yep, I took my pictures and measurements four weeks ago. I am doing an 18 week challenge, and I plan to take my stats every four weeks. This monday will be the end of my four weeks, so it is update time again. Yikes!!! I have found this very helpful becuase the evil, dirty, sneaky scale doesn't always reflect body change…
  • I think you're on the right track. Definately reaching out to someone who has the same goals as you, and are of like mind is a wonderful way to get support and help you stay on track. It really does help to spread out your meals so that you're eating every three to four hours. If you want an accountability partner, please…
  • I'm here!!! Still cant figure out how to see your food diary. I'm looking for some meal idea's. Mine are already getting a little old! LOL Like me!!