

  • I love the playlist idea! Every time I start feeling like I can't do the workout, I blast a great motivational song, or a great dance number that makes me feel confident about myself (: Also, I've been going through a break-up where my boyfriend cheated on me...and I'll play great girl power songs that help get all my…
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by misjesica May 2011
  • Food Diary: - I need to eat less carbs, more protein! Maybe limit myself to one carb based meal a day. - Eat smaller dinners. Right now I'm home visiting family until next Tuesday, and they cook huuuge dinners, or we go out to eat because we've been celebrating graduations and soccer tournament wins, etc... so I barely eat…
    in SOC Week 2 Comment by misjesica May 2011
  • The only way I can get through it is alternating it with other workouts. Right now I switch between Couch to 5k, 30 DS and Yoga. I could never do the 30 DS multiple days in row because I'd get way too bored with it!
  • Thanks Smashlee! I like a bunch of those songs! (:
  • Girl Talk came to my university for a concert!!! Thanks for the reminder! Definitely some awesome, upbeat music. Thanks :D
  • I weighed in at 139 lbs this morning! I was so relieved to see the number, but the weird thing is that I don't feel any thinner :( I think after more toning and yoga, I might feel a bit leaner. Right now all I still feel like is pudgy. Booo.
  • I've been getting in some GREAT workouts, but I'm eating so unhealthy! Again I really need to cut out diet sodas, I just feel gross drinking them... and then my Dad has been cooking a lot of carb-heavy foods since I'm home visiting for a few weeks. He loves to cook, especially Italian food... so I've been eating a ton of…
  • In reply to sarac: I like crystal lite packets! Eventually I want to try and drink as little artificial sweeteners as possible, but I still think it's way better than sodas!
  • We have the same short terms goals! My friends LOVE to go out drinking on the weekends, but every time I drink I go over my calorie limit :( so I need to avoid it altogether, but its so hard when that's what everyone else is doing. I also drink way too many diet sodas. It's been a steady progression of switching from…
  • My goals: - Give up sodas, even diet ones! They're so bad for you (but taste so good!) I think I'll start this one off my limiting myself to 1 diet soda a week and go from there. - Stop binge eating late at night when I'm out partying with friends. Not drinking alcohol is also going to be a challenge. My friends love to go…
  • It's amazing! I love it (: It's really changed how I see the world.
  • This looks awesome! I'm so excited (: Name: Jessica Age: 20 Major/minor: Multimedia Journalism/Human Rights and Social Justice Why you want to join this group?: It would be great to get some motivation and support from people my age! Goals for summer: I want to look great in my bathing suit by mid-summer, and have more…
  • Skylar those are great tips! Thank you so much :D Hope studying is going well for everyone!
  • I was with a guy for three years and then we both went to the same university. My entire freshman year I was constantly sad and confused because it felt like we were both changing, he was having anxiety about me being around guys as well, and I was feeling like we were both too dependent on each other. We eventually agreed…
  • On a new note: Today is MONDAY! (boooo.) What are everyone's goals this week? My goal is to go entire week with zero binge eating! Over the weekend I went camping with my school's Communication Council and definitely ate more smores than I should have, and then went to an all day music festival where we weren't allowed to…
  • Go you!! I'm still debating grad school or not. I feel like grad school is 5x more difficult! And finals... mine start next week :( Gonna have to resist stress eating like crazy!
  • Thanks for the info :DD
  • Really?! How do I go about doing that??
  • These are great tips guys!! Last night I went downtown for my friend's 21st birthday was so proud of myself - light drinking and I didn't binge eat afterwards! I ate a few strawberries when I got home and was hungry instead. Now tonight my Communication Council is going camping.... and there will be SMORES. This will be a…