tomsow Member


  • eat nmore on your workout days or very intense workout days. do this by eating more carbs and match how much your burning. on non workout days or very low intense workout days, eat below calories with not much carbs and higher good fats, try and keep your protein high to spare muscle. about 2.5-3kg per lean body weight.…
  • everyone is different... doesnt bother me, because i know people react differently or have control problems they have to deal with.. i used to eat 4-5000 cals a day- now 1600-2600 and dont feel much of a difference apart from being a bit tired sometimes on the low days.. workouts are still strong as well! i think some…
  • calories in and calories out! thats all that matters with losing WEIGHT... when you get down to a ideal weight in your mind and trying to maintain with increasing muscle or performance food choices are very important
  • get a tennis ball (or something harder like a base ball) and step on it and roll it up and down, side to side for 5 mins each day before running! helps release tension and aold scar tissue! also, if it gets really bad (due to running, im guessing?) stop for 2 weeks and just do weights, full body works out, after the two…