deb1fat0 Member


  • Please keep us updated. I went to my doctor expecting a referral for orthotics because of intense pain behind the second and third toes. I was instead referred for physiotherapy for my lower back. I will be starting that soon - I want to be able to golf this summer without being crippled after the 6th hole!
  • Hi, I am Deb. I joined MFP one week ago tomorrow. 55 years young. Height: 5' 5" Current weight: 194 (not my all time high) Goal by January 1,2013: 187 Target life goal: a fit 180 by April. My goal is 40 pounds higher than insurance charts and 5 pounds more than my doctor and I said - but if I can get down to and maintain…
    in stats Comment by deb1fat0 November 2012