Shorebound 228.6 Tues Hope this is the right place
Shorebound 228.6 Tues
Its a long hard journey. If your schedule is as busy as mine some times thinking much less preparing meals is out of the question. I just restarted for the millionth time on Jan 3rd and hope this is the final time. I started with a group but think most are fizzling out
My go to fast good option is Wendy's small chili with a side salad filling and under 200 calories. If i need to use up more calories I either get a large chili or the taco salad but dont eat the chips.
I started back up too after slacking for way too long. Where is this new group
Thank you Debbie :bigsmile:
Hi all, I just joine your group. C1 day 5 so far lost 9lbs this time. I did start last Jan but slacked over the summer and just maintained then over the hoildays started to gain so here I am agian
Sweet, The diet is awesome. I started last Jan and lost a good amount of wt. of course slacked around the holidays and now im back on track Started this past Tuesday, I would love to do it with you.