

  • You can still spread the flu, even if you aren't sick from the strand you may have in your system.
  • I don't get them. My kids and I usually get the flu, and to everyone who says that's impossible I have this story. Last time my oldest got the flu shot was when he was 3, no one at his daycare had the flu or flu like symptoms, and no one my wife or I worked/interacted with had the flu or flu like symptoms. 2 or 3 weeks…
  • BMI is meant to apply to a larger population, it isn't really meant to be applied to an individual as it doesn't take in muscle mass. Most NFL players aren't fat or overweight, but based on BMI, they would be.
  • OMG, I so happy I'm not the only one! When my wife and I watch, we just start cleaning and putting little things away. We aren't picture perfect all the time (I have an 8-, 6-year old and a 20 month old; all boys) but we are never any where near one of those shows. We are a controlled chaos; though I will loose it and…
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