

  • I was asking myself this exact question this morning!! I still feel a bit bloated & flabby in the stomach - but then I put on a top that I hadn't worn in ages and I could see that it was a lot looser. I agree photos will be good - try to wear the same thing, stand in same place and then can compare better. As long as we…
  • I started about 5 weeks ago and lost quite a bit in my first week, a bit less in the second week but my progress has slowed and been more gradual in the last 3 weeks. I agree that your body may just be doing a bit of adjusting but if you keep losing at a higher rate you could be looking for a rapid weight gain later (if…
  • I bought the fitbit scales yesterday and am about to take it back - I go to the website and follow the "easy" steps but it just won't connect. I even called one of my teenage son's techno-geek friend and had him try it. The help section on the website just keeps repeating the same steps and there doesn't seem to be a…