FooteMommy Member


  • Very Nice :) Keep up the good work of slowing it down and building it up. :)
  • I was diagnosed with asthma as a child and had a nasty 20 year smoking habit; I will be smoke free for a year in 2 days and have been running for the last 7 months. I still have days where I cannot run non stop, and that is ok. If I am having problems breathing I slow down, focus on breathing in my nose and out my mouth…
  • Slow down. :) Like some of the others have said, listen to your body, and if you can't talk while running your intervals then slow down some more. The speed can be added later. When I started I was at a very slow pace of 15 min/mile, and now I am improved to an 11 min/mile (although, I am still slow I'm ok with that).…