

  • I know the feeling- it took me several weeks of following the MFP routine before I lost any weight, and I was getting really frustrated. Then, it took off and I've slowly been dropping 1-2 pounds, then plateauing, then losing some more. It might be that you are not eating enough, and your body is conserving those extra…
  • Welcome Kristie! I am working on the same goal, and this site really helps. So far I've lost five pounds, after months of an unsuccessful tactic: trying to exercise daily without counting calories. For me, the first few weeks didn't show much results and I was frustrated, but now that I'm getting used to really thinking…
  • Hey I blew it too, almost 500, but after all, it's Valentines Day so let's not be too hard on ourselves!
  • I find that exercise keeps me regular- but my favorite source of fiber is tempeh, a soy product that is very tasty when soaked in tamari sauce and sauteed with onions. One serving is 56% of recommended intake.