CarrieGetsFit Member


  • Got to agree with this. [Edit: Agreeing with Hell_Flower] These are my two regular classes and I think they work really well together. Combat is great cardio and I can see the difference pump makes to tone.
  • The customer service from Fitbit is amazing - I lost my One and they replaced it, free of charge, within a week which I thought was pretty awesome of them. I am happy with my One, but I will probably go for a Flex if I have to buy another in the furture - mainly because I'd never really have to take it off and so wouldn't…
  • I'm pretty new to the gym too. I wanted to do the strength machines and found Fitness Builder helpful: I found out which machines my gym had, marked those as favorties in Fitness Builder and then put together workouts from there. Personally, I don't use the app any more, I think…
  • I love the idea of fitness kit or charms, great ideas!
  • Running might be one of the best exercises, but if it isn't right for you then don't worry. There are other options. Elliptical machines are similar but less impact, maybe that would be better, or cycling? If you are determined to run them Couch to 5K might work, but personally, I couldn't do the first session when I…
  • This maybe be slightly off topic, but I still had (what I think were) hormone level fluctuations on a 3-month pill cycle. PMS and spots more than weight change (hence off-topic). If everything else about that pattern/pill is working well for you then perhaps high-dose vitamin B or evening primrose oil supplements might…
  • Wow, this is such an inspiration, thanks for sharing it! You look fantastic and have done so well to get to your goal. :happy:
  • ^ Agreed, it is fairly low intensity. The weight of the poi is pretty light and there isn't normally any impact from jumping or footwork. I know I can break a light sweat after a while and sometimes my muscles feel the work if I've been repeating a new move, but generally, low intensity dance should cover it.
  • Thanks for the tips. I've already noticed that giving us sugars has now reduced my craving for them. I'm going to try the lots of water and green tea today as I am feeling unusually hungry.