amezysk Member


  • I think they are using the word "bad" to mean that the nutrition information in the MFP database is obviously incorrect... Not that the food is "bad for you". Edit: And to actually answer, I'm unaware of any way to do that, but it drives me nuts too when I have to troll through a ton of entries because certain nutrition…
  • To be honest, I'd be surprised if you didn't gain some good muscle with Insanity alone - it incorporates enough body weight resistance. But as the previous poster stated, if you find that's not enough by the end of the program, the hybrid is probably excellent too (I've never done it). One other possibility (if you don't…
  • I just started yesterday... It's a lot harder on the muscles that Volume 1, but I think it's a lot more fun as well. I did Upper Elite today and was pretty much just collapsing during the pushups in the last few minutes :)