

  • I'm 35, 36 in February :sad:
  • I am a counselor, as well as a person with eating disorders. In order to actually be able to eat the way you are supposed to, it will be scary for quite a while. Eating disorders aren't usually about the food we eat, it is a way to gain control of a life that is out of control. Most people notice that they binge and purge,…
  • I will answer that for you. I have taken Phentermine, prescription strength because, like you, I have PCOS and nothing would help me lose weight. I did find Metformin helpful for a while though at maintaining my weight. . I didn't find Phentermine effective at all. It didn't change any of my cravings, but I did have a bit…
  • I had gastric bypass in 2006, lost around 115 lbs. Now, I am starting to go back up in my weight. The problem is, and has been, that my surgery seems to have almost reversed itself. I can only eat sweets and junk food. I get horribly ill on normal food, like chicken and vegetables, even pureed. Because of this, I went into…