

  • well thanks for all the encouragment... this is hard for me but i am hoping to get the hang of it.. Dieting is very hard for me with my husband and our son i feel like i want to eat what they are eating. I never know what toi eat... Salad could get boring... and when i exercise i feel so out of shape.
  • I have about 6-60 lbs to loose... how do I account for foods such as meat (calories wise) and if I have some thing like pasta so i have to meassure it out and make sure i am having the right amount and not too much? like isaid i am very confused.
  • so i dont have to make it a point to eat anough to make sure i get to 1200 i just have to make sure not to go over it??
  • I am unsure of what types of exercises to do. i am not very fit or anything. I have a body ball. a Tony Littles Gazelle. and a mat... thats about all. It says I need to burn 980 calories per week, (which doesnt seem liek alot) but I am unsure how to do it. any tips for a beginner
  • I am alittle confused becasue it says my calorie intake should be 1200 but that seems sooo high. and 165 carbs aday .. i feel like i will never lose weight like this
  • thanks i am hoping it will work... i just have no will power i guess. but i have tried it all.
  • Hi.. Im new at this, I just started it today. Im alittle worried that this wont work as it seems nothing has. I hope it does. I am very unhappy with my current weight. I dont really know if anyone has as much problems with weight loss and exercise as I have, but some support might do me good. Just wanted to say hi.... and…