OpheliaCrump Member


  • Well today I had the pleasure of crossing off my first pound! And some time in the next little while I'll be able to an X through the next one. Bravo to you for posting this on your fridge ~ I don't want anyone to see mine ~ at least not yet! Carry on. We'll get there.
  • Great advice ~ thanks! Perhaps I'll have the bar before and the soup after. Classes are at 7:45 pm so by the time I get home its close to 9:00 and I don't want to eat a regular meal after that. So the rest of the bar with the soup might be the answer. As you say, trial and error.
  • I'm a little older than you and have about 50 lbs to lose. When I quit smoking 16 years ago this week (!) I started eating, mainly crap and everything that was bad for me. I joined Weight Watchers and became a Lifetime member but couldn't sustain the loss in the wake of meeting my second husband and all those dinners out.…
  • I truly believe Valentine's Day was invented by card companies and holier-than-thous to make singles feel guilty, worthless and hopeless. I spent many lonely VDs after a marriage that never recognized my presence or value anyway. Now I have my forever valentine and we don't need some artificial nonsense to declare our…