

  • Upcoming Race: St. Jude's Half Marathon Location: Memphis, TN Date: December 7, 8am Duration: Half Marathon Trail or Road: Road, through the streets of downtown Memphis past the St. Jude's Children's Hospital :) Goal Time: This is my first half so shooting for 3 hours goal time. I can run a 5K in 33 mins First Race?: No…
  • Straight up spoonfuls of anything condiment-based I could find in the house...The last time I had one of those (January) it was like assembly-line binging. It went 1) spoonful of pb 2) spoonful of grape jelly 3) spoonful of honey 4) spoonful of maple syrup 5) spoonful of Nutella 6) spoonful of ranch dressing 7) spoonful of…
  • They use different measurement formulas out there (ie. Ketch McArdle vs. Mifflin-St Joer vs. Harris Benedict). Honestly, this is where I'm confused too. I attempted at some point to figure out what my TDEE is, but got anything ranging from 1500 cals/day to 2100!
  • @hifi898 I'm on there and follow/am followed by some pretty amazing fitness folks that have great motivation, advice, exercise tips and foodie stuff. It's my fitness community away from MFP :glasses:
  • I have to admit: I'm in love with my squats. :flowerforyou: :heart: :love: :flowerforyou: :heart: :love:
  • I'm gonna second 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' for favorite. It gets me every. Single. Time. Coming in close runners-up are 'Hope Floats', 'Walk The Line' and 'The Notebook'.
  • For now, my NSV would be to see a 27" waist and fit (comfortably) into my size 6 shorts from last summer (which fit comfortably at a non-muscular 145). Right now, I'm about 29" and at 171... :ohwell:
  • MY PEOPLE!! I was wondering when this thread would come up on rotation on my MFP message board notices, as over the past week, I've noticed the same damn gym "offense" from multiple patrons at my gym and needed a place to gripe about it. If you are done with a piece of equipment, please kindly move so others can use it.…
  • ABSOLUTELY! When I eat crap food, even if it's one day, I can tell the difference on my attitude and enegery level. I eat clean around 85% of the day, and I feel so much more...in touch...with my body than when I eat processed foods. HOWEVER, I am a crackhead (no offense to actual crackheads reading this) about sugar…
  • Monthly, hubs and I pay around $30 for the two of us. We're on our second year there and we have always paid for the year up front (typical membership is around $15 per person, and the annual fee for two ppl is around $315 with discount for paying a year at a time). Our gym is marketed towards bodybuilders and only a local…
  • 5'8" here and my goal these days isn't a weight number necessarily...it's more of goal measurements of 36-27-36 and 18% body fat. I've got a medium build and an hourglass shape. Last year at this time, I was 142, but skinny-fat (body fat 30%). Prior to that (May 2010-June 2011), I'd gradually gone from 198 to 146. This was…
  • Any sort of sugar cereal out there, including the ones with low grams of sugar (under 10g). I guess it could be worse, but the rest of my diet is basically "if it doesn't have a mother or come from the ground" type food. It's an addiction, I know. Probably a HUGE sabatoger of my eating most times, but holy mother of Lucky…
  • Cheers to your breakup. I broke up with mine sometime ago when I started realizing my scale was becoming emotionally abusive toward me, taunting me to step on it every day. I knew I needed that number "fix" in the morning first thing, or I wouldn't be worth anything after that. I realized my problem and understood it to be…
  • Sugar cereal. Any kind. Once I start, even just a small handful of it, my brain starts to buzz and the sugar high begins. I HAVE to feed the monster. One particular shame spiral binge day a few months ago (I've since cleaned up my act, and HAVE to stay away from it these days), I ate an entire box of Froot Loops and half a…
  • Murfreesboro, TN here!
  • 1. Favorite ice cream flavor? Edy’s Dreamery Blue Ribbon Berry Pie (no longer in circulation…. ) 2. Favorite pop tart? I don’t like them, so no faves… 3. Favorite chips? Hands down, Terra Chips. Any flavor. The. Whole. GD. Bag… 4. Favorite snack cracker? Cheez-Its and/or Chikn in a Biskit 5. Favorite chocolate candy?…
  • Preds STH here!!! <---Raises hand Live near Nashville, and Preds fans through and through!
  • ^^THIS, good sir, made my day. Thank you! :D Hungry Me has shown up to my work right now, banging on the door to my office and demanding to be let in...
  • LSP. She's my fave in the show! And yes, I'm a fan... Between my daughter and I, we've managed to watch every episode and will be dressing up the whole family like the characters for Halloween this year...
  • Every night, before I can get in the bed and actually sleep, I have to make sure the covers and fitted sheet are pulled straight, all military-style. Also the comforter has to be perfectly lined up evenly on both sides and across the bottom. I'm not sure when this started - probably about the time I got married and…