

  • Thirded to this. And to whierd that said it's better to dump and run now...AMEN brutha. You've got 6 years in already and you've been letting this what I call "bad parenter behavior" go unchecked for the past year and a half?? If he's getting increasingly worse and making it apparent he doesn't want to be a partner back to…
  • Murfreesboro, TN checking in!
  • Wow...just even reading through these posts, all of them, brings back flashbacks of my own childhood/adolescence experiences. As an adult, thankfully I've not encountered that other than from silly, stupid girls when I was in my 20s. But as a kid, like many here, I was overweight from a young age and couldn't seem to beat…
  • I typically prep all my food on Sundays, too, and eat the same thing every week. Keeps my food budget in check since I'm the only one eating even remotely healthy in my house. Every day I pack: Breakfast - 4 boiled eggs - eat the whites only, 1/2c dry oats with 1tsp cinnamon Snack #1 - 4oz canned chicken with Dijon…
  • Echoing the Polar FT4 love. I got one a few weeks ago from Walgreens.com ($60 or so) and has made weight training and indoor gym cardio (treadmill, elliptical) so much easier to calculate calories burned. I wear a fitbit Flex all the time in addition to this, and have had it since June. Both are incredibly easy to use, and…
  • Right on. This is me. I access MFP mainly via my phone, and even then, am usually entering food or my weight and that's about it. I don't keep it defaulted to my news feed page, so I can get what I need and go and I can't access the forums on my phone. I do have a few friends added, and will do my best to comment on posts…
  • None listed on TN driver's licenses either; HOWEVER, 2 years ago when I renewed, I was at 146. I'd just finished with the HcG "diet" (uhm, yeah...) and skinny/fat. Started weight training and quit smoking, and as of this morning, I'm approx. 30lbs heavier, but 15lbs of it was muscle.
  • Kicking *kitten* and taking names... :devil:
  • Ditto this. I can gain upwards of 5-7 pounds around that awesome TOM...It usually goes away. Just stick to what you know you need to eat calorie-wise and drink water. You'll be fine after it's done. :wink:
  • MFP Dlisted Pinterest The Oatmeal I Don't Like You In That Way On my phone: Instagram Twitter Facebook MFP Snapchat
  • Yup. Quest Bars.
  • *Raising hand* I've used this one before...until I figured out my kids would follow suit (they're 4 and 12 now, 2.5 and 10 at the time) of my meals if I got rid of the crap in the house so there was no choice but to eat healthy. I got educated via Pinterest fitness pages and good ol' Google, and my kids now ask for apples…
  • I snorted out my hot tea at reading this... Funniest thing I've heard all day!
  • Nope. Not awful Northern manners (which, btw, some of my closest and best BFFs are from Massachusetts) going on. I've lived in TN *most* of my life, and for a few years in Alabama, and am Southern to the core. HOWEVER, worrying about offending someone by not eating their food is more co-dependent, people-pleasing behavior…
  • I'm on a one-a-day restriction as I'd eat them as dessert every meal if I could!! :love: :love: :love: :laugh: My favorite(s) are apple pie, white chocolate raspberry and oddly, vanilla almond crunch. I didn't think I'd like it, but holy good... :heart: :heart: :heart: :bigsmile:
  • I am slowly learning to deal with binges in a healthy manner this year, so I feel your pain. And I'm 37. Better late than never, right? I've eaten upwards of 3000-4000 calories in one sitting, and even logged it in MFP to see...those times (yep, multiple) I realized that food *is* a drug for me, and I had to get it under…
  • Any of the 6 I eat every day... :laugh: :laugh: :tongue: :laugh: :laugh:
  • 5'8 here, from the US. Depends on the store/brand/fabric type...but typically between a 10-12. Currently wearing a juniors size 11 in pants right now... I've got a 29.5" waist, 39" hips and *most* 10s will fit fine, but like things sitting low on the hips, so I have been known to buy a US 12, just for the extra comfort :)…
  • BUMP for later reading. Thinking of trying this..
  • Yup. And Nutella's equally evil cousins: almond butter, cashew butter, peanut butter, and really any kind of nut butter out there. There is no moderation for me with any of it, and while I pretend the kids love it (other than peanut butter, which my son eats on everything), I end up eating it alone. While I'm alone. And in…
  • Well, not really knowing anything about the 30DS program (frequency of workouts during a week), I'd say your body is telling you to rest. I lift/cardio 5x a week (40 mins weights/30-40 cardio each time) and if I do this too many days in a row with no rest days, my body just starts to break down and my workouts suck, and…
  • THIS. This is my situation to a T, complete with a 12 yr old and a 4 yr old in the mix. I work full time, make more than the hubs and the chores are split about 90/10. (me/him). I've asked for help, but hubs is just lazy in general and acknowledges it. He's perfectly fine with me cleaning mine and the kid's stuff (except…
  • THIS. This is me, and having NO issues with any kind of movement whatsoever on my second 5-year round. You'll be fine :drinker:
  • ...when Bon Jovi is, in 2013, the highest grossing 'Classic Rock' act out there...and you wore out 'Slippery When Wet' in the 8th grade and tried to score tickets to his concert... ...when you realized you just downloaded Nine Inch Nails 'Pretty Hate Machine' on your iPod for your workouts because you wore out the CD in…
  • ^THIS is me. I hate it. No matter my diet, I still get bloated, gain 3lbs overnight and stay this way until it's over.
  • Easy enough. If you're going to use TDEE-20% (my TDEE is around the same as yours) to lose, you'll want to go to Settings > Custom Goals and put in the 1503 number. Your TDEE-20% includes exercise calories, so you don't need to log those. Your Net Calories total will stay the same as the consumed calories. The 'Net'…
  • bump for later I'm so happy I found this thread because I've been using a FitBit for about 2 weeks now, and am seeing a pattern of calories burned with me, but tend to get too hung up on the "Should I eat my exercise calories back or not" question. I've been treating it as my TDEE and have adjusted my intake calories…