NDD57 Member


  • I'm 5'4"...My calorie burned was actually that much for today. I had over 20,000 steps today by walking at a speed of 3.5 mph uphill, mowing pushing a mower, and doing gardening walking up and down a hill, etc. and I actually didn't put everything down. Today was not a typical day but on average I burn between 800 and 1000…
  • I'm sort of new to this so I'm needing some input. I'm 56 yrs. old. My beginning weight was 213 lbs. I started exercising and changing the way I eat (I don't believe in dieting but changing your lifestyle) as of the 1st of the year. As of this date I have lost 27 lbs meaning I have lost this weight in 3 1/2 months. I have…