I live near the Mall and I have 100+ pounds to loose! I would love to be friends with you and anyone who lives near here and would like to get out and walk, bike, whatever together. I want to do the Indy Nite Ride this year. It's a 25 mile bike ride through downtown late at night with thousands of other bikers. It's on…
I have 100+ pounds to loose!!! I weigh 264 and I live in the Southport area. I would love to come walk Garfield with you! I have a 12 year old who will be comming with me, too.
I am still feeling the Core workout from last week!!!!
I have done the NITE ride for the last three years. It's a blast. Be sure to decorate your bike with glow sticks or lights! (And I have not been in the best shape doing it, either. It really is a good ride for beginners.)