nursemomruns Member


  • Yes! I am in the same situation. My eating habits have gotten terrible with my current relationship and I've gained 20 lbs since November.
  • I have containers already. Rubbermaid, Tupperware, etc. Just use containers that you already have. You can download the worksheets for free off of the beachbody website.
  • Put a drop or two of vanilla extract in with it, too.
  • WHAT are you eating? If I eat a bunch of refined carbs, I feel hungry all the time.
  • I don't care how people dress at the gym...frankly, I'm too busy just trying to breathe and move weights around to pay much attention. What DOES bother me is when someone applies entirely too much cologne or perfume and I have to breathe that in as I huff and puff. When your body heats up, it just makes your fragrance…
  • I am here! I am hoping to be a success story. I have gained 35 pounds in the last 2.5 years. I used to be very active, but just got too busy and then too tired. I also ate way too much of the wrong foods. I am 50 years old and it is much harder to keep the weight off. I am having a hard time accepting that I can't eat like…
  • Did you do strength training in your earlier years, or is this something that you started recently? Also, how long did it take you to see a difference? I don't mean on the scale, I mean in appearance? I ask because I am in the throes of menopause and used to be thin (most of my life). I'd like to try bodybuidling, but I'm…