Lwwalker3 Member


  • Ok so not as scary as I thought this AM. 176.6 which is only .4 up from my last lowest. Very good place to start as I am sure I was up a few over the last few days... I'll take it! Would love to see 169 by the end of September! Good luck and good vibes to everyone. Stay Strong!
  • Thanks so much for starting this group! Being accountable to others is powerful motivation and I am glad to be in good company! Will post my beginning weight tomorrow AM!
  • Please count me in! Thank you for starting this thread as it is exactly what I need to do... Have been flirting with all my old bad habits a little too much since returning from vacation on August 14th. Any small loss I have had has come back. I think I have lost "just enough" to feel somewhat comfortable and am now…