

  • Do you find that the foods you are eating have enough protein and fiber to keep you satiated? Also, I find that if I don't drink enough water, I never feel "full."
  • This is exactly what I do with my broccoli, or instead of cajun, i do a little bit of cayenne pepper and garlic powder. Yum!
  • That's so good to know! Thanks for the information, what did you end up taking away from that second link? It seems to me like there are really benefits and downsides both raw and lightly steamed kale/spinach/other cruciferous vegetables. I haven't noticed a weakening of my muscles, but do you think it's more of a long…
  • I've been pretty religious with my green smoothies for the past 3 months ever since I bought a nutribullet. My basic recipe goes like this: 2 large handfuls of greens (I normally do raw organic baby spinach and baby kale), 4 frozen strawberries, 4 chunks pineapple, 1/2 banana, 1 T. ground flax seed and fill it up to the…
  • I subscribed to graze boxes because I, like you, get in a funk with my snacks. I love it because it's customizable towards your preferences (i.e., sweet, savory, nuts, fruits) and I get it delivered to me at work. Everything is below 150 calories and it's been put together by a dietician. My favorite so far has been the…
  • I've been using this recipe for protein pancakes (substituting the sugar for honey or agave). I make a huge batch of…
  • Salads can get very confusing as far as calories go if you aren't the one controlling what goes into it. The main things that I always look for in a salad are calorie content in the dressing (I try to go for under 60 calories per 2 Tbsp. serving) and the toppings. Croutons will obviously add a lot of carbs, but the way…