raysealzz Member


  • I think people say stuff like that because if your about the same weight as them or smaller they feel like it's an insult at them. Have you ever noticed that when you tell someone that your trying to loose weight people will say something along the lines of, " Well, I weight about the same as you! If you think you need…
  • It may be anxiety or stress, both of which could lead to missed periods and loss of appetite.
  • Hey, a great to loose an little extra flab is to try military styled workouts. For instance, today for my PT class (I'm in the Army ROTC) we had to do pyramid push ups and sit ups. To do so, we started at doing a set of 15 push ups and sit ups, then 14, then 13, decreasing by 1 with every set you do until you reach 1 rep.…
  • Hey I'm Savannah, I'm 19 years old and a freshmen in college. I'm not only trying to avoid the freshmen 15, but I'm also trying to loose some stress pounds I've gained over the last few years. I'd like to meet some new people over this website who are also trying to get back in shape.