

  • Very helpful description .... Thanks
  • Accountant_boi is right!!!! At least aim for 1200 calories a day and aim to burn about 300- 400 by doing any activity. This way u'll prevent your body going starvation mode. Or else u won't be losing fat instead start burning your muscles. U need energy to burn calories, and need food to get that energy. Don't take losing…
  • Make your meal rich in protein & fiber as protein takes longer to breakdown hence keep your tummy satisfied longer & fiber keeps constipation at bay. Try killing your cravings with water or low calorie drink. Sometimes it might be a thirst but your mind telling you that u r hungary.
  • Give it a week. When u'r stomach shrinks you'll likely to feel less Hungary than usual. It's all about training your mind and your body and have control over it. I know it might sound nonsense now but when u reach to that point u'll know. Don't give-up as now you've stepped into this life changing challenge!!!! Good luck…
  • Well come gal!!! You'll find loads of help and motivation here ... Goodluck
  • Misconceptions: The argument that taller people's longer legs means they can walk faster than short people "holds no water," according to "Guide to Walking." In fact, short people have an advantage. Walking speed depends on stride length and stride rate. Tall people have a longer stride, but their ability to lengthen it is…
  • Personally I don't think height really matters. It depends on your metabolism that helps burning all those calories. I m 5 ft tall only. Taller people can have bad metabolism therefore can struggle to lose weight. But for sure taller people need to eat bit more than smaller one's as their body needs more energy to stay…
  • Have u tried low calories alternative??? Exercise bit more or do some extra activity to burn little bit of extra calories to allow u'rself a room for little treats. And like already said, plan u'r shopping and treats ahead, so u'll know what u having for afters this week. Make sweeties u'r reward for a day or week for…
  • Good to know that I m not alone. Good luck to all who's trying so hard to keep this condition in it's minimal.